Better Health & Lower Vet Bills
- Spayed and neutered pets live approximately 2.1 years longer than unaltered pets!
- Spaying female pets prevents life-threatening uterine infections and eliminates the possibility of uterine and ovarian cancer. It also greatly reduces the incidence of breast cancer, especially if pets are spayed before their first heat. Spaying also prevents injuries which can occur during breeding, as well as pregnancy and labor related problems such as the need for a C-section.
- Neutering male pets eliminates the possibility of testicular cancer and decreases the incidence of prostate disease. Neutered males are less likely to be injured while roaming in search of a female and in fighting with other males over the female.
Better Behavior
- Spayed and neutered pets are more affectionate companions and exhibit fewer behavior problems, such as aggression and biting.
- Neutered cats are much less likely to spray and mark territory.
- Spayed and neutered pets are less likely to roam, run away, and get into fights.
- Spaying female pets eliminates heat cycles and associated nuisance behaviors, including incessant crying, anxiety, and attracting male pets.
Less euthanasia, Less Suffering
Spaying and neutering prevents the birth of unwanted puppies and kittens who end up in shelters or abandoned. Abandoned animals may live sad and often short lives of fear, sickness and injury and may result in feral offspring. Filling our shelters with homeless kittens and puppies lessens the opportunity for adult animals to be adopted and results in euthanasia of adoptable animals because there are not enough cages and runs, and not enough homes.
If unwanted litters are not born, they do not fill our shelters, and our shelters have the room and resources to help other homeless animals find their forever homes. Every unwanted birth that is prevented allows another homeless animal to live.